ENTRA Research presented at Joint TACLe – EACO Workshop on Analysis Techniques for Energy-Aware COmputing (EACO)

The Energy Aware COmputing workshop series has been organized since February 2011 by Dr. Kerstin Eder from the University of Bristol (UK), one of the partners of the ENTRA project.
The seventh workshop was held on 10-11 September 2014 in Bristol. Special focus of this workshop was on analysis techniques for energy efficient software and systems with the aim to foster knowledge exchange between the TACLe and the EACO communities, and to establish new research collaborations to join forces in advancing the state of the art in energy-aware computing. The programme contains a series of presentations from guest speakers.
The programme included presentations by IMDEA Software and Bristol University, presenting recent results on modelling and analysis of energy consumption in software, supported by the ENTRA project.
For more information you can visit EACO Workshop on Analysis Techniques for Energy-Aware COmputing.